盡信榜不如無榜之 US.NEWs business school 2008排名 <--這榜單是BS的代表,千萬別看!
很多人愛看榜單,今天熱騰騰的新榜單又出爐,剛好又是我每年罵,逢年必罵的蠢蛋US news榜單。
不知道回過幾次US news的business school榜是個爛榜單 (US news的其他榜我不至可否,有些還有點用)
我也得很難過的跟大家說,這邊大中華圈子很多念b school ,看榜單選校的,你們都還不適合念MBA。因為你們可能連最基本的求知精神+分析能力都欠缺。這樣的學生,很容易在MBA過程中走入迷惘最 後不知道想幹啥。Why? 因為你們不知道榜單怎出來的,不知道排名怎麼排的 ,看著數字卻不去研究背後的道理,只用那數字來作為判斷基準。那這算什麼 MBA候選生?
我就再一次分析 ,為什麼我老說US news
不要看 不要看 不要看 求求你們別再看這榜單 的理由吧
US news那群對B school完全外行人搞出的榜單根本不值得大家這麼重視 , K? 你們該放心思的是很多其他的東西
Business Methodology
All 406 master's programs in business accredited by AACSB International were surveyed (382 responded, of which 113 provided the data needed to calculate rankings based on a weighted average of the quality indicators described below). All 406 schools appear in the directory.
Quality Assessment (weighted by .40)
Peer Assessment Score (.25)
In the fall of 2006, business school deans and directors of accredited master's programs in business were asked to rate programs on a scale from "marginal" (1) to "outstanding" (5).
很好 太好了 院長跟program director 的Peer evaluation是最大決定因素之一? 太可笑了吧XD 如果要學生evaluate都還合理 因為學生是服務的使用者 消費者 BUT!!!!
怎會有叫競爭對手之間互相Evaluate的道理呢 又 評價是怎評的 ? 依照academic? 依照什麼呢?
Those individuals who did not know enough about a school to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know." A school's score is the average of all the respondents who rated it. Responses of "don't know" counted neither for nor against a school. About 51 percent of those surveyed responded.
Recruiter Assessment Score (.15)
In the fall of 2006, corporate recruiters and company contacts who hire from previously ranked programs were asked to rate programs on a scale from "marginal" (1) to "outstanding" (5). Those individuals who did not know enough about a school to evaluate it fairly were asked to mark "don't know." A school's score is the average of all the respondents who rated it. Responses of "don't know" counted neither for nor against a school. About 21 percent of those surveyed responded.
只有21%的HR們回應問卷 + 不知道總共發出幾份給HR(上頭沒說,請有整本的人看看你們的正本是否有說明)
你們覺得這個benchmark可信度夠嗎? 21%的回應的recruitors可以代表100% recruitors的意見嗎?
Placement Success (weighted by .35)
Mean Starting Salary and Bonus (.14)
The average starting salary and bonus of 2006 graduates of a full-time master's program in business. Salary figures are based on the number of graduates that reported data. The mean signing bonus is weighted by the proportion of those graduates that reported a bonus, since not everyone who reported a base salary figure reported a signing bonus.
Employment Rates for Full-time Master's Program in Business
The employment rate for 2006 graduates of a full-time master's program in business. Those not seeking jobs or for whom no job-seeking information is available are excluded. If the proportions of graduates for whom no job-seeking information is available and who are not seeking jobs are high, then the information is not used in calculating the rankings. Employment rates at graduation (.07) and three months after graduation (.14) are used in the ranking model.
這部份也沒話說 找到工作的比例確實是重要
Student Selectivity (weighted by .25)
Mean GMAT Scores (.1625)
The average Graduate Management Admission Test score of students entering the full-time program in fall 2006. Scores on the test range from 200 to 800.
你們覺得Gmat成績佔了16.25%合理嗎? GMAT衡量一個program的好壞合理嗎?
讓自己在US news排到30~50附近?
我的意思只是,這個指標佔據的權重會不會太誇張了? 會不會變成manipulation的工具?
Mean Undergraduate GPA (.075)
The average undergraduate grade-point average of those students entering the full-time program in fall 2006.
那這樣我念台灣大學 北京大學 清華大學的 豈不是鬱悶死
滿地強者 競爭到死了我怎拿分數? 我怎拿?
我到XX家裡蹲大學院去豈不是隨便拿4.0跟喝水一樣 這樣有證明這個MBA program比較行嗎? BS中的BS
Acceptance Rate (.0125)
The percent of applicants to the full-time program in fall 2006 who were accepted.
西北是私立很多人念不起 Berkeley是公立比較多加州學生會去申請而造成接收率降低 所以Berkeley就比西北強 該排的比西北高嗎? 白痴 benchmark又一個 BS又一個
Overall Rank: Data were standardized about their means, and standardized scores were weighted, totaled, and rescaled so that the top school received 100; others received their percentage of the top score.
Specialty Rankings: These rankings are based solely on ratings by business school deans and directors of accredited master's programs from the list of schools surveyed. They were asked to nominate up to 10 programs for excellence in each of the areas listed. The schools receiving the most votes appear here.
天阿 ,各位 , 你們是MBA .... 你們以後是要做顧問 、進IB的強者們。小弟我一介草民,笨個要死都可以想出那麼多反例來證明這份榜單之於 " MBA課程優秀與否" 這件事情的關連程度太低太低,
如果連這點小把戲都能把你們玩弄在指掌之間 ,我真的覺得我們都別混了,腦袋打開來,漿糊取出來,剪個紙黏成
以下附上Us news原始檔案 http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/grad/rankings/mba/brief/mbarank_brief.php
![]() |
1Harvard University (MA) | |||||||||||
100 | 4.8 | 4.6 | 3.64 | 707 | 14.9% | $125,527 | 90.4% | 94.9% | $39,600 | 1,821 | |
2Stanford University (CA) | |||||||||||
99 | 4.8 | 4.5 | 3.61 | 720 | 9.9% | $126,661 | 84.2% | 93.6% | $43,380 | 764 | |
3University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
4Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) | |||||||||||
5Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL) | |||||||||||
5University of Chicago | |||||||||||
7Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH) | |||||||||||
8University of California–Berkeley (Haas) | |||||||||||
9Columbia University (NY) | |||||||||||
10New York University (Stern) | |||||||||||
11University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) | |||||||||||
12Duke University (Fuqua) (NC) | |||||||||||
12University of Virginia (Darden) | |||||||||||
14Cornell University (Johnson) (NY) | |||||||||||
14Yale University (CT) | |||||||||||
16University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson) | |||||||||||
17Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA) | |||||||||||
18University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) | |||||||||||
18University of Texas–Austin (McCombs) | |||||||||||
20Emory University (Goizueta) (GA) | |||||||||||
21University of Southern California (Marshall) | |||||||||||
22Ohio State University (Fisher) | |||||||||||
22Purdue University–West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN) | |||||||||||
24Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley) | |||||||||||
25Georgetown University (McDonough) (DC) | |||||||||||
25Georgia Institute of Technology | |||||||||||
25University of Maryland–College Park (Smith) | |||||||||||
25University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson) | |||||||||||
29Michigan State University (Broad) | |||||||||||
29Texas A&M University–College Station (Mays) | |||||||||||
29University of Washington | |||||||||||
29University of Wisconsin–Madison | |||||||||||
29Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) | |||||||||||
34Pennsylvania State University–University Park (Smeal) | |||||||||||
34Vanderbilt University (Owen) (TN) | |||||||||||
36University of Rochester (Simon) (NY) | |||||||||||
37University of Florida (Warrington) | |||||||||||
37University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign | |||||||||||
39Boston College (Carroll) | |||||||||||
39University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) (IN) | |||||||||||
41Arizona State University–Main Campus (Carey) | |||||||||||
41Babson College (Olin) (MA) | |||||||||||
41Boston University | |||||||||||
41Brigham Young University (Marriott) (UT) | |||||||||||
45Tulane University (Freeman) (LA) | |||||||||||
46University of California–Davis | |||||||||||
46University of Georgia (Terry) | |||||||||||
48Rice University (Jones) (TX) | |||||||||||
49Wake Forest University (Babcock) (NC) | |||||||||||
50University of Iowa (Tippie) 以下是過去的回應 只有21%的HR們回應問卷 + 不知道總共發出幾份給HR(上頭沒說,請有整本的人看看你們的正本是否有說明) 你們覺得這個benchmark可信度夠嗎? 21%的回應的recruitors可以代表 100% recruitors的意見嗎?" 最近在寫報告看了很多paper,我只能說,全美的recruiter這麼多,當然 不可能完完全全的代表所有人的意見,不過那些recruiter應該都屬於同 一個團體(SHRMㄦ) 哎唷...通常這樣的問卷得到的回應也算是非常有限 不少研究報告顯示大學的GPA跟個人工作表現有正向的關係,不過整體來 說的確是有所限制....尤其是非美國境內的大學 ariesangel at March 31, 2007 11:51 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal 回一個 starting salary 是一個合理的評量方法沒錯, 但地域性的不同會導致 nominal salary 的不公平 andy提到的點很好 |