
[是面經也是雜感] 我和google有個約會(下)




1. 在校成績要好(GPA有個3以上應該是一個很重要的關卡,或許更高。我個人大學到研究所都是around3.5。ps我不知道底限是多少)
2.. 課外活動多采多姿也很好 (google喜歡多方面涉略,具有通才特質的人。 說真的,網路是活的,腦袋不有趣進來這行業也生不出什麼新鮮事兒了。網路業就是要涉略廣,腦袋活,才能變出新把戲)
1跟2常常會相牴觸, but google think if U are good enough, then u can handle them well, to keep a good balance between1 & 2.
3. 語言能力要好(中英文流利是必須的,如果是純R&D編程人員的英語能力可以較不計較。很多人可能很納悶或是不爽,為什麼local service卻要英文流利呢? 答案很簡單,google全球有多少RD人員都是用英文的,英文是很重要的溝通語言,尤其在國外做出的product/service要轉來大中華區用的 時候就需要用到英文來做溝通,所以底子好很重要。)
4.很重要的! 經驗 經驗 經驗 ! 相關工作背景經驗很重要,google目前很需要日本人所說的"即戰力"。 也就是能立刻上一軍(大聯盟)的球員。

至於面經,其實我已經忘的差不多了。 硬是要我說什麼的話我大致說明如下

對於Experienced hire,google很少問傻問題,都是問重點,打正仗的。

我的經驗裡面,面試者主要是針對你做過些什麼 、能做些什麼、 想做些什麼、為什麼要做這些、做這些有什麼效果、去問你問題, 而且往下問 往上問 橫著問 豎著問 --不論怎麼問 就是要你有一套能說服人的邏輯,而且敢說,並合情合理。

很玄 對嗎? 我知道很多人可能聽不懂 ...我暫時也想不到用什麼方法解釋的懂。 基於保密原則,我並不想在這邊說出當初我被問過的題目。 況且,依照每個人申請職位不同,面試者不同而會有所差異,我在這邊公開了也沒意義。

但我能給大家的勸告是,google最重視的,是要找出 "fit in"的人,而且會利用各種方式去檢驗"你是否fit in"
只要找出了一丁點的不適合,google就不敢用這個人。原因是,google want somebody really "can do! "

You should not ONLY have the passion to google's pholosophy, but also can be the best fit in a position.


我在這邊開放給大家問問題吧,有興趣想問我的請直接在這邊發問,小弟我知無不答,言無不盡 (破壞保密性的除外)



1.請問您透過什麼管道得到面試 ?

2.你認為google 最看重你所謂4要素的哪一點 ?

3.能不能透露一下 香港google MBA level新進人員的年薪行
情 ?


Robbie at April 30, 2007 11:56 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal

再度恭喜你, 馬登兄

Shane at May 1, 2007 10:17 AM comment | | Delete | Conceal


1. 我的過程比較特別
我是透過CUMBA的career fair在去年認識google的staff以及HR.
keep in touch,也有跟我的HR keep in touch, 最後則是在今年一月底被我原本的interviewer refer了

1.5 順便回應很多人想知道的 A.我從第一次面試到最後等了多久 ...我等了三個月 B.幾次面試 ...三次,

2.0 以目前的狀況來說,至少要有一些相關經驗.舉例說你要做sales,你至少做過類似產業的sales.
如果是風馬牛不相及的產業,很難說服. 我相信這並非google的要求,而是幾乎所有外企都有此要求.
我也是因為這樣, FMCG幾乎都不要我, 反倒是香港的local telecom有給我offer.

3.0 這種大忌諱自然是不能說 而且我也不是在香港 因為香港幾乎沒有vacancy opening
btw,一樣是mba graduate hire, 依照個人情況不同,應徵的位置不同,給的薪資條件差異也是很大的.

Shane阿 我不在美國阿 我還沒唸完我這學期呢 交換是今年九月底才開始 我才會在UCLA :P

moderne2 at May 1, 2007 10:18 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal


MBA心情之十三: 我奇妙的term 3 projects...真的很奇妙

這學期因為卡了很多事情 同時間進行的projects簡直是多如牛毛 而且各方向都有 非常詭異

在此列出 若有能人異士有興趣 歡迎與我聯絡

1. IT outsourcing market in HK, a market research project that aim to provide strategic analysis for HK IT outsourcing providers

2. 香港的女性內衣市場行銷研究報告: 選定一個內衣品牌後 要作與競爭的三到四個品牌的比較 作survey,統計並分析後,作perceptual map,然後依照perceptual map給予mkting plan

3. Email行銷的一百道問題與解答: 幫某一家email marketing service provider作此一項目. 主要問題會cover幾大領域,例如如何規劃Email campaign,如何建立並維護customer database,...etc

4.社會創業比賽: 依舊是我的失業媽媽製作健康早餐+遞送到中環辦公室此一主張 需要開始作financial plan... gosh, killing me

5.網路上的Word-of-Mouth communication research: 我目前決定選擇研究 "大眾點評網" 裡面的用戶行為. 主要是作內容研究 也就是消費者都批評哪些東西 在乎哪些要素

So it seems that here is what I am going to find:
1.What kind of things do consumers say about their restaurant dining experience?
2. What kind of things do consumers ask others about different restaurants?
then I can prepare a report for cosumer's WOM on internet.

大概先這些了 這就是我奇妙的3rd term
似乎跟吃的關係頗大 跟用的關係頗大 跟網路關係也頗大 深深證明了 我就是個貪吃的網路愛用者?!



underwear被你歸為哪種去了? 吃的用的還是網路...

irishbaileys at April 24, 2007 05:37 AM comment | | Delete | Conceal

但不是我用的 喵

moderne2 at April 24, 2007 11:41 AM comment | | Delete | Conceal



都說香港美食多  但平時忙碌的我們經常是得以微波食物為生的

不少中國同學會自己下廚 小弟我空有一嘴說的好廚藝  但實際上是特懶惰的
所以 我最愛的還是"叮叮" (香港人稱微波食品俗名)




用微波爐熱出來熱騰騰帶有水分  不會像用微波爐熱出的包子一樣永遠是乾乾癟癟

調味十分良好 用的是好的生抽豉油(醬油)

內容物通常有肉末 香菇 臘腸 以及豬瘦肉一塊

米飯用的是黏而綿密的糯米 十分可口

以性價比而言  一樣的價錢的港式小點  珍珠雞的重量是最重的
吃起來有飽足感 早餐吃一個配自己泡的磨卡咖啡 中餐吃兩個加上蘋果香蕉以及diet coke

小弟我極力推薦此珍珠雞  經典也  他將是我離開香港後最懷念的微波食物了....


MBA心情之十二: 要作一個好人,好難.



over load的課業+課外的case competition+找工作的苦痛(尤其是國際學生like us)+作不完的projects,

拿finance課上學的cost - benefit analysis似乎是一個解法,是嗎? 但別忘了,人哪有全然理性的呢

念MBA的過程中,學到的一個內功往往是選擇的智慧。正如經濟學裡頭最基本的Opportunity Cost的概念一樣,
那麼,要如何去選擇先後順序?這就成了 " It really depends on your personal situation"的問題了。

假定今天有三個不同的人找你進同一組,你去哪一組呢? 是去你可以輕鬆,但學不到東西的。還是去當組長,可能會累死自己的一組
或是跟好朋友一組,但好朋友可能是worst performer or free rider?

我在這方面一向做的很失敗,習慣有話直說不擅政治,所以恕我不在這邊提出"溝通技巧"專題了。 (因為我寫不出來阿!)
但是對於要做哪些事情的先後次序,其實往往是權衡輕重,分析又再分析之後最後還是得用 "follow your instinct"

這段時間深感到了選擇自己沒興趣也沒力氣做的事情的無力。 現在幫某家公司作project,一來我本身對行業不熟悉,二來興趣缺,
油然而生。 然而都已經選了,做到一半了,還能怎辦呢? 況且,一起做的是自己這邊最好的朋友,感情最深厚的哥兒們,
我可以不在其他人面前做好人,因為I don't care those faked "friendship," 但在這位好哥兒們一組裡頭的話,肯定是要打起精神認真做的了
唉.... 只能硬著頭皮撐下去了。 但是一看相關資料就犯懶,這又是一個無解但必須得解的問題了。

小弟我今天被M$-HK無條件rj了。 是的,Interview都沒給,您看看,多羞恥阿! 簡直是丟臉,哈哈哈。
聽說背後還是老狀況,就是他們要native speaker。Well,但你至少給我個機會證明我廣東話認真學了八個月的成果阿!
再不成,我進去馬上唱古巨基的重複犯錯+愛得太遲給你聽嘛 這樣總信我很認真學了吧。 什麼? 不夠?
我加上陳奕迅的裙下之臣、明年今日,附送方力申十分愛、在那遙遠的地方,然後李克勤公主太子,最後bonus track 側田-情永落!

我天蠍座的恐怖心態再度浮現.... (內心獨白"這些連interview都不給我的公司以後百倍價錢也別想讓我進去賣命" )



"聽說背後還是老狀況,就是他們要native speaker。Well,但你至少給我個機會證明我廣東話認真學了八個月的成果阿!
再不成,我進去馬上唱古巨基的重複犯錯+愛得太遲給你聽嘛 這樣總信我很認真學了吧。 什麼? 不夠?
我加上陳奕迅的裙下之臣、明年今日,附送方力申十分愛、在那遙遠的地方,然後李克勤公主太子,最後bonus track 側田-情永落!


qincong83 at April 25, 2007 12:38 PM comment | email | Delete | Conceal

这真的很苦阿! 我决定我要把广东话放上去当我的language proficiency


moderne2 at April 27, 2007 02:19 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal


melody@taiwan at May 4, 2007 11:09 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal


MBA心情之九: 轉貼 西門子人事經理提示的求職小竅門





他给出了一个小窍门:白色的关键字。简历简历,内容空间很有限,为了让读者念得舒服,应该保留适当的空间,避免太挤 了。有些人在简历上注明关键字,对于搜索来说,是好事,但是往往影响外观。所以。。。把关键字放在最下方,并且把字体变成白色,就一举两得了。既能让搜索 引擎发挥作用,打印出来又不会影响排版外观。


关于求职信(cover letter),重要性大家都知道。怎么显示出自己对这个工作职位的符合呢?求职信的作用不可低估。他说,如果时间真的很紧迫,甚至可以用:

复制+粘贴 招聘广告上的要求




這篇會很簡短.... 只是要在此昭告大眾馬登我累透了,接下來打算讓自己稍微放鬆一些。
在終日惶惶不知所忙的MBA生活中,理當是有娛樂的。 常常在逛其他人BLOG時覺得自己好像娛樂稍微少了一點,
接下來兩個月我打算至少跑過以下幾個景點,包括長洲、南丫島、海洋公園、濕地公園,還有 一定得去吃趟燒鵝,我到現在還沒吃過呢!
(香港來八個月沒吃過@@ 白來了)


恩? 我開始聽到有人躍躍欲試了....
喔? 是否未婚? 這是當然,想要追的請留下資料讓小弟我轉交她們好好審核一下.... :P


澳門有著香港沒有的悠哉,以及更為寬敞的公共空間以及私人空間。 另外,許多老式建築會無法讓人想像,這是一個
註:澳門市民人口僅佔實際居住居民的一半,老實說人均GDP這樣算下來十分不準確。 這等於是把很多外地人的capital expeniture and Econ output
全都算到25萬" permanent residents"的頭上。在booming econ的背後,許多澳門本地居民,其實是受到" booming economy"之害。
高公司的公司--是那些賭場混合高級酒店(飯店在港澳都叫做酒店)的行業,normal people cannot enjoy the growth in "a cetain" industry, but suffer from it.





恩 接下來就是逛賭場了,我想,就等同行友人寫上了我再來轉吧。 給大家看看金碧輝煌的建築物應該就可以知道為什麼這些新式賭場這麼吸引人了 我們一行人總共去了新葡京以及永利(Wynn),本來要去的金沙(Sands)沒空去了。總之,我只賭了兩把

什麼 為什麼我不寫賭博文章? 很簡單嘛,因為我輸錢啦,她們全都沒輸,雖然也沒贏但至少是個不輸不贏。 要傳授經驗,自然要某位賭性堅強的美女


MBA課程札記:[求救]行銷研究主題徵求中 我不知道要作啥啦!






簡單來說,這位老師研究的是鮮少有人研究的WOM ( word-of-mouth,口耳相傳)行銷,
人在各種交談對話中,會"看情況"習慣給予對方"某些"反饋信息( feedback information)

社交時:人會用"新奇的內容 ( new, incredible)" 以及" 可信賴的內容 (credible, reliable)" 


哪些factors造成人在當下使用較多可信賴內容 而非新奇內容
舉例:面對老師,或是面對面試官,你就會偏向可信賴內容。 面對朋友即將下的購買決定,你也會習慣性的用確切已知的內容
來給予朋友反饋。 (因為你怕推薦錯,會被"幹樵"幹到死,普通話說法就是挨罵,冒著失去朋友的風險了。)

你可能就會亂說一氣 只為吸引注意了

可....darn it, 我對研究是一點sense也沒有阿! 看到我Blog的人如果有興趣請留言給我,幫我想個題目




shelly at April 2, 2007 08:30 PM comment | | Delete | Conceal


tingyun at April 2, 2007 09:00 PM comment | email | Delete | Conceal

Hi Shelly:
謝謝你 非常的insightful 我會好好想想

Hi tingyun:

PT job因人而異 但很少人作 因為course loading很大
班上之前只有一個原本作IB的同學 去PE firm一週作兩天

我也是一直到這學期3rd term比較時間自由些才有空接pt job
接這倒不是為了賺錢 只是為了跟業界keep some connection
這樣 對於未來面試都會有幫助

至於好不好找 it really depends, depends on your
personality , working exp, and prefessional skills.

一般來說公司都是希望你by project作研究報告

moderne2 at April 5, 2007 12:42 AM comment | | Delete | Conceal


MBA課程札記: Strategic Marketing 策略行銷(三)Segment, Targeting, Positioning STP三部曲

Positioning in Practice

Strategic Role of Marketing

For large firms that have two or more strategic business units (SBUs), there are generally three levels of strategy: corporate-level strategy, strategic-business-unit-level (or business-level) strategy, and marketing strategy. A corporate strategy provides direction on the company=s mission, the kinds of businesses it should be in, and its growth policies. A business-level strategy addresses the way a strategic business unit will compete within its industry. Finally, a marketing strategy provides a plan for pursuing the company=s objectives within a specific market segment. Note that the higher level of strategy provides both the objectives and guidelines for the lower level of strategy.

At corporate level, management must coordinate the activities of multiple strategic business units. Thus the decisions about the organization=s scope and appropriate resource deployments/allocation across its various divisions or businesses are the primary focus of corporate strategy. Attempts to develop and maintain distinctive competencies tend to focus on generating superior financial, capital, and human resources; designing effective organizational structures and processes; and seeking synergy among the firm=s various businesses.

At business-level strategy, managers focus on how the SBU will compete within its industry. A major issue addressed in business strategy is how to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. Synergy for the unit is sought across product-markets and across functional department within the unit.

The primary purpose of a marketing strategy is to effectively allocate and coordinate marketing resources and activities to accomplish the firm=s objectives within a specific product-market. The decisions about the scope of a marketing strategy involve specifying the target market segment(s) to pursue and the breadth of the product line to offered. At this level of strategy, firms seek competitive advantage and synergy through a well-integrated program of marketing mix elements tailored to the needs and wants of customers in the target segment(s).

Strategic Role of Positioning

Based on the above discussion, it is clear that marketing strategy consists of two parts: target market strategy and marketing mix strategy. Target market strategy consists of three processes: market segmentation, targeting (or target market selection), and positioning. Marketing mix strategy refers to the process of creating a unique blend of product, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies (the four P=s) designed to satisfying the needs and wants of customers. Target market strategy and marketing mix strategy are closely linked and have a strong interdependence. The position of a product identified from the target market strategy serves as a guideline for formulating marketing mix strategy.

Market segmentation is the process by which a market is divided into distinct customer subsets of people with similar needs and characteristics that lead them to respond in similar ways to a particular product offerings and strategic marketing programs. Targeting or target market selection is the process of selecting a segment or segments to serve by evaluating the relative attractiveness of each segment, the benefit sought, and the firm=s relative business strengths. Finally, positioning is the process of designing product offerings and developing strategic marketing programs which collectively create an enduring competitive advantage in the target market.

The concept of target market strategy especially positioning is well-known and widely accepted by most marketing practitioners especially consumer goods managers as useful Atheoretical@ concepts in formulating marketing mix strategy. In practice, however, marketers tend to bypass formal positioning and go directly to formulate marketing mix strategy. This may be due to the fact that these managers do not know how to obtain perceptual maps, which are maps that show the positions of products on a set of primary customer needs.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a practical way for marketing practitioners to obtain perceptual maps for positioning and marketing mix strategy formulation. Specifically, perceptual mapping and its relation to positioning are first discussed. This is followed by discussion of statistical techniques that can be used to create perceptual maps. Finally, a example of positioning process by factor analysis is demonstrated.

Perceptual Mapping: Identification of Strategic Benefits

Positioning is the perceived fit between a particular product and the needs of the target market, and thus positioning concept must be defined relative to the customer’s needs and competitive offerings. It is one of the most important strategic concepts because it is concerned with differentiation. Positioning reflect the careful efforts of marketing firms to portray the benefits they offer customers and to differentiate themselves from competition. Positioning is critical for a product=s success. Not only must the product deliver the benefits the customer needs, but it must do so better than competition.

Effective positioning requires assessing the positions occupied by competing products, determining the important dimensions underlying these positions, and choosing a position in the market where the organization=s marketing efforts will have the greatest impact. An essential tool for strategic benefit positioning is perceptual maps.

Customer Needs and Perceptual Mapping: Method and Procedures

Perceptual maps represent the positions of products on a set of primary customer needs. Perceptual maps visually summarized the dimensions that customers use to perceive and judge products and identify how competitive products are placed on those dimensions. In practice, marketers need to know the number of dimensions, the names of those dimensions, what more detailed customer needs make up the dimensions, where competition is positioned, and where the ideal position for a new product or for repositioning is.

A set of useful consumer behavior model has been developed to handle consumer attitudes toward various brands in a marketplace. Hauser and Urban (1977), in a new-product setting, describe the processing of product attributes as compression into smaller number of aggregate dimensions called Aevaluation criteria.@ The central idea is that the brands in a market can be represented as a set of points in a multidimensional space. The axes of this space represent the perceived attributes that characterize the stimuli. Two main analytical approaches most frequently used to derive evaluation criteria and build perceptual maps are decompositional methods, based on multidimensional scaling, and compositional methods, based on factor analysis (Lilien and Kotler 1983). Each of these procedures is discussed in the following section.

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a set of procedures in which a reduced space of product alternatives reflects perceived similarities and dissimilarities between products by the inter-product distances. Exhibit 1 gives an example of the input and output of an MDS study of four graduate schools of business. The idea behind it is to have the distances in part [b] have the same rank order as the direct similarity judgments in part [a].

To use multidimensional scaling to create perceptual maps:

1. Have customers evaluate existing products according to their relative similarity and form an average proximity matrix whose entries represent the similarities or dissimilarities among the products for each group of customers you wish to analyze.

2. Use multidimensional scaling to produce a map in 2, 3, ... dimensions.

3. Based on managerial judgments, limitations owing to the number of stimuli, and a plot of Astress@ select the appropriate number of dimensions.

4. Name the dimensions based on the relative position of the stimuli or a regression of the map coordinates on attribute ratings.

Multidimensional scaling is a powerful technique, but it must be used with caution. Several issues need to be considered. The first issue is concerned with the number of stimuli (i.e., products) needed. Klabir (1969) shows that at least eight products are needed to create a good two-dimensional map. Green and Wind (1973) suggest that the number of dimensions should be less than one-third of the number of products. The second issue is concerned with the naming of the dimensions. The analyst generally names the dimensions by using knowledge of the product category to explain best the products= positions. This procedure is arbitrary and involves a high degree of creativity. The final issue is concerned with the number of dimensions. There is little theory to guide the selection of the number of dimensions. However, the stress measure obtained from MDS can be plotted against the number of dimensions to determine when marginal changes in stress are becoming small.

Widely used, user-friendly statistical packages such as SAS and SPSS contain the programs for multidimensional scaling. For example, in SPSS, one can obtain a multidimensional scaling analysis from the statistics menu by choosing scale and then multidimensional scaling.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis was originally developed in connection with efforts to identify the major factors making up human intelligence. Educational and psychological researchers did not believe that every test in an educational battery measured a different facet of intelligence. In fact, test scores for certain pairs of tests were highly intercorrelated, indicating that a more basic mental ability underlies test performance. Factor analysis was developed to explain these intercorrelations in the test results of a few basic intelligence factors, subsequently identified as verbal ability, quantitative ability, and spatial ability. Since that time, factor analysis has been applied to many other problems and is a frequently used technique in performing product-evaluation analyses in marketing.

The basic factor-analysis model assumes that original perceptual ratings about a product are generated by a small number of latent variables, or factors, and that the variance observed in each original perceptual variable is accounted for partly by a set of common factors and partly by a factor specific to that variable. In the construction of a perceptual map by factor analysis, the positions of the products/brands studied can be obtained by averaging the factor scores of the respondents for each product/brand. Factor scores are calculated from the matrix of factor-score coefficients, which describes factor scores as a linear function of the original ratings.

To use factor analysis to create perceptual map:

1. Have consumers rate all the products/brands under studied, one at a time, on a set of product attributes. You can use Likert scales (scales anchored with strongly agree and strongly disagree) or semantic differential scales (scales with bipolar adjectives) in your questionnaire.

2. Analyze the data by factor analysis with rotation (e.g., with varimax rotation). Also request for factor scores for all the products/brands.

3. Average the factor scores over all the respondents for each product/brand.

4. Use the average factor scores for each product/brand as coordinates to plot the position on the perceptual space. Normally, two-dimensional maps are meaningful and easy to understand. If more than two factors are extracted/identified from the set of product attributes, more than one two-dimensional maps may be generated.

5. Use factor loading table, which is an output representing the correlations between the attribute scales and the factors that the computer algorithm identified, to name the factors.

6. The ideal line (representing the relative importance of the factor scores in determining attitude toward the brand) can be identified from the multiple regression function with attitude as the dependent variable and factor scores as the independent variables.

Factor analysis is a very powerful and useful technique for producing perceptual maps. There are also many software for PC that contains this statistical technique (e.g., SPSS, SAS, BMDP).

In this session, we briefly went through the concepts of target market strategy (which consists of market segmentation, targeting, and positioning), strategic brand management, and positioning research. Then we went through the concept and the steps in the data analysis for positioning research.

Target Market Strategy

Target market strategy is the process of identifying one (or more target markets) and its (or their) unique positioning(s). Target market strategy consists of (1) market segmentation, (2) targeting, and (3) positioning.

Market Segmentation. Market segmentation is the process of segmenting a heterogeneous potential market into a few or several homogeneous segments. In other words, customers in a potential market may have different preferences. As such, it is not effective and efficient to teach all of them by one product and one plan. To be effective and efficient, a manager needs to group the potential customers into group according to their unique preferences and serves one or more of these groups according to the company's strength. The other way to look at market segmentation is that it is the process to test if the potential market is homogeneous in terms of preferences. Good market segmentation should result in segments with the following characteristics: (1) substantiality ( i.e., each segment is large enough), (2) profilability/identifiability/measurability (i.e., each segment can be described in terms of demographic or psychographic characteristics), (3) accessibility (i.e., the media consumption and shopping behavior can be identified), and (4) differential responsiveness (i.e., each segment has a unique preference).

Targeting. Targeting or target market selection is the process of selecting one or more segments to be the target market or target markets. The segment(s) is(are) chosen by matching the strengths/ability of the company to serve the segment with the profit potential in each segment. GE Matrix (market attractiveness versus business position) is a good tool for targeting. There are four targeting strategies that you can use: (1) concentrated or focused targeting strategy (i.e., selecting one large segment to be your target market), (2) multi-segment or differentiated targeting strategy (i.e., selecting two or more large segments to be your target markets with a unique positioning for each of them), (3) mass targeting strategy (i.e., selecting two or more or all segments to be your target market with only one positioning for all of them), and (4) niche targeting strategy (i.e., selecting one small market to be your target market).

Positioning . Positioning has two meanings. First, positioning is the most important benefit or benefits desired by the customers in a particular target market. Second, positioning is the process of creating brand image (in terms of benefit or benefits) in the customer's mind through marketing mix strategy (the 4Ps). The brand image must reflect the most important benefit(s) that the target customers want. To position your brand in a target market, you first conduct positioning research to create a perceptual map of competing brands in the target

MBA心情之八:必看教戰守則! 用功仔找不到工作,free rider拿最好的offer,究竟為何? 你的MBA究竟要著重做哪些事情才能讓你拿到好offer?(續篇)


因為消息出去了, 一群不跟你競爭同類職缺的同學就會很願意告訴你消息。
(我好像覺得game theory可以拿來套用這狀況,但是我學的不好就不獻醜了。)

所以阿 出櫃要趁早

至於你會問.... 那跟我競爭的人怎辦?
他們豈不就不會給我update job opportunities?
( well,
我只能說,MBA這圈子從最搶求合作的幾家學校,到最競爭的幾家學校,其實大家都是一樣的競爭與一樣的自私,而且會流傳的八卦,能被探出的口風,早就都出去了,所以不會告訴你事情的人不論你有說沒說,都不會跟你說的。 這些人你就不用在意了)




一開始的互相熟悉階段 (感情好 全班好)
然後到了彼此認識的階段 (開始有人free rider永遠不來, 有人愛改其他人作業卻又罵人no contribution, 或是有人很努力但是quality很差--像我就是這樣, 還有很多很多)
然後最後是開始分念concentration科目,分別專心找自己走向的工作,大家開始各搞各的,多數選擇已經合作愉快的同學一起組隊 ,因為這樣才能省時省力又彼此多些互信讓自己多費心思到networking以及找工上

說了這麼多,到底要認識怎樣的朋友。 我會說,請深交兩種人
1. 真正志同道合,會變成一輩子好友的一群人
2. 會跟你有關的,能幫助你的,簡稱叫做貴人的一群人

後者會是你的淺層群,原則上,這群人是你廣結善緣的成果,遇到利益衝突時不會幫上你,但在沒有利益衝突時卻可以提供你很多valuable information.

原因在於,通常志同道合的人,都是同一個圈子的人,或是相同性格,或是相同興趣,或是有一些" common"的地方。 這些人往往早已處在身邊而無法成為"新機會"的來源。 後者則否,正因為人多,層面廣,所以是你"新機會"的來源。 很多中國同學在國外不習慣mingling 不習慣去喝兩杯 或是想省些錢 這些都是要去克服的

因為在美國要生存就是那樣,你得習慣,得學會,外國人變熟的方式就是一群人在一起喝酒喝一喝就變熟變成朋友了。而且,還得習慣不只是要跟同一群好朋友一起出去,也得留些時間認識新朋友。 這是MBA會帶你訓練到的,但要不要作要看自己。 我知道很多人還是習慣苦讀,but hard working "in the wrong way" WONT BRING U A JOB!!!!

不用期待老外們會跟你走一塊兒,人種(ethnic)因素在全世界都還是無法消除的隔閡, 這就是Babel再講的東西。出國的也都知道,Asians一個圈,Hispanics一圈,Blacks一圈,高加索人一圈子,都一樣的。 然而,成不了Core依然可以成為很好的淺層關係,這個要如何利用,真的很看個人。 我能提醒各位的只有:
2.請無懼於開口 厚臉皮
3.請多施予 未來一切都會回來 在你不知道的一個時刻會忽然有人幫你一把
4.一個簡單概念--積極的隨緣 就這麼簡單 積極 但隨緣

以下是我跟某位Top B school students的對話 為保護當事人我就匿名吧:

就跟你寫的一樣 haha
我不知道啦 跟老外相處 我現在是不會客氣
A:妳有這感覺吧 老外很喜歡凹老中做事
A: 向他要求我作 我就不會幫她做 不然會把我吃得死死的
M : 是阿 老外很會凹我們做事 作了之後他們覺得不好 就改掉 改了又說你沒貢獻 no contribution
M : 很不爽@@
M : 不過不是全部人都這樣 但有一群是這樣
M : 然後自己不忙就把時間拿去準備然後BS一堆然後拿到好offer
A :

so, U get it ??


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